Conas a Thuillir More Money Online

Hug! Conas atá tú?

Tá mé ag taisteal gan stad le haghaidh imeachtaí oiliúna le go leor tíortha, ach bhí mé a roinnt le leat.

Sin toisc go bhfuil go leor léitheoirí wondering…

“Conas is féidir liom a thuilleamh ar líne airgead níos mó??”

Mar sin, tá 3 príomhstraitéisí ag an obair anseo…

Straitéis #1: Make MORE Sales


The most obvious way is to simply make more sales of the product you’re promoting.

This can be either your own or affiliate product, it doesn’t matter as the strategy is the same.

For example, if your net profits per sale is $10, in order to make $1,000, you’ve to sell 100 copies!

This is the LEAST effective method to make more money as you’re simply trading time and effort for dollars with no leverage.

Straitéis #2: Make More PER Sale


The next strategy is obviously to make more per sale in order to earn more.

You could sell a $100 product instead of a $10 product, so effort wise, it will take you 10 sales to make $1,000 instead of 100 sales as with the first strategy.

Sounds a lot easier?

Well this is not always a recommended method as it’s about working MUCH harder once again.

I mean, it’s a lot harder to charge higher prices than cheaper prices and you must work harder to get the customer in the door.

This is true unless you’ve a very strong brand, trust and relationship with your market, affiliate support and premium products that justify the price.

So what’s the best option?

Straitéis #3: Make More Per CUSTOMER


In Marketing (online or offline), a proven strategy is to make more money from the same customer.

This is a very powerful strategy with high leverage, where you earn more by working less.

Cuimhnigh, it takes the SAME amount of effort to get a customer.

Often times, this is achieved by utilizing a marketing sales funnel that leads the same customer from a front-end product to optional upsells and backends that benefit him or her.

In Marketing, you’ll thus often see things likeone time offers”, “upsell offers” agus “backend offers”.

This is VERY common and almost 99% of internet marketers have this in place within their products

So get use to it 🙂

The reason marketers do this is simply because it makes good marketing sense, and dollars of course.

You should do the same if you’re a marketer.

Now the thing is, you must provide REAL VALUE and related products that help customers throughout the funnel, and these should be optional.

Brí, they provide EXTRA help and benefits to the customer, but should not take away from the main product.

This helps you to leverage your marketing and get thelifetime valueof the customer.

Lets look at an example:

If a customer buys a front end product from you for $50, if you don’t have this strategy in place, you’ll just earn $50.

If you’ve aone time offerand other relatedbackend products”, you could be making A LOT more like $5,000 (!) from the same customer, while providing more value.

I know it’s harder to do this unless you’re very experienced or have a team.

The average beginner will not be able to benefit from this strategy and many will continue to trade their time for dollars and earn minimum profits.

Is there an easier way to take advantage of this strategy immediately without having to wait years or working harder?

Of course there is!

Click here to learn more about it

Hope this post provides some insights to help you.

Talk soon!






  1. Brendan says:

    Tar éis a Tonnadóir díolacháin a dhéanann a lán de chiall mar tá mé ag a fháil amach. Started with the strategy mentioned above around about March and although I’m far from rich, I have benefitted from it. The only problem most people find when starting out online is staying focused while remaining patient!!

  2. Daniel says:

    Cad píosa léirsteanach, so that’s some of the ways you make your money online! i really want to be part of it! Great insight Ewen chia

  3. Foireann Tacaíochta Ewen says:

    Brendan Is ea, that’s why it’s important to remember that this is a learning journey and not something you want to achieve just overnight.

  4. Foireann Tacaíochta Ewen says:

    Daniel Sásta d'fhoghlaim tú rud éigin nua agus fuair sé ina chuidiú!

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